Welcoming new co-opted PRINZ Board Members: Alan McDonald and Helen Morgan-Banda

A few words from our Chair – Heather Claycomb FPRINZ APR
“On behalf of the PRINZ Board, we are excited to welcome both Alan McDonald and Helen Morgan-Banda as co-opted members. Both are senior leaders in their respective industries and both have significant experience working within membership organisations. My fellow board members and myself are looking forward to tapping into their extensive, relevant knowledge as we continue the implementation of PRINZ’s new strategic plan. At the heart of our strategy, PRINZ is continually looking at ways to add value to our membership. I am confident Alan and Helen will each have some great input in this space.”
“My interest in joining the PRINZ Board is driven by the fact that an organisation focused on the ethical standards and behaviour of the communications sector has never been more critical. The ability to communicate clearly, well and honestly is so important when you see the influences of AI, deliberately misleading information and the often toxic use of various media channels. The value and values of organisations like PRINZ came to the fore during Covid and we need to continue to advocate strongly for our members and the role they play across so many sectors of New Zealand life.”
Helen Morgan-Banda FPRINZ, Transformation Lead at Mahi Haumuru Aotearoa | WorkSafe New Zealand.
Helen Morgan-Banda has had a long career working in corporate communications in the public and private sector, with also a couple of stints working in the Beehive. Helen has put her hand up to contribute to PRINZ for two reasons – first she believes that communications professionals in New Zealand need a united national body to provide continuing professional development, to set standards for accreditation and ethics, to advocate on behalf of its members and to enable opportunities for connection.
Second, her experience as CEO of the New Zealand Law Society | Te Kāhui Ture or Aotearoa and the Royal NZ College of General Practitioners and the Association of Financial Advisers in Australia means she has a wealth of insights and experience to contribute.