

PRINZ advocates for members on issues of direct relevance to the industry. Recent examples include:

October 2023

PRINZ Board Chair, APR, FPRINZ Heather Claycomb, discusses matching our internal thinking with our outward action. Click here to read more.

September 2023

PRINZ CEO, Susanne Martin, discusses the power of PR and communications professionals at the board table for Institute of Directors. Click here to read more.

May 2023

PRINZ Board Chair, APR, FPRINZ Heather Claycomb, discusses the use of generative AI and disclosure on Radio New Zealand. Click here to read more.

May 2023

Associate Professor and Former Head of School at Victoria University of Wellington, Daniel Laufer, shares his perspective on important topics related to Crisis Management. Click here to read more.

April 2023

PRINZ Board Chair, APR, FPRINZ Heather Claycomb, shares how evil public sector communicators are multiplying at record rates. Click here to read more.

April 2023

Associate Professor, Margalit Toledano, discusses the freedom to lobby. Click here to read more.

February 2023

PRINZ Fellow and Director of Pendulum Strategies, Julien Leys, shares why effective leadership communications is critical in managing a crisis. Click here to read more.

November 2022

PRINZ Fellow, Jackie Curtis, credits trusting relationships as part of the success behind boutique PR firm, Cherry Red Consulting. Click here to read more.

September 2022

PRINZ Chair, APR, FPRINZ Heather Claycomb shares PR lessons from One New Zealand rebrand. Click here to read more.

August 2021

PRINZ CEO, Elaine Koller comments on Government communications spending in article on NZ Herald. Click here to read more. 

May 2021

PRINZ CEO, Elaine Koller talks to Daniel Laufer, Associate Professor of Marketing at Victoria University, about the PRINZ Code of Ethics and its complaint process. Click here to read more. 

Feb 2021

PRINZ CEO, Elaine Koller comments on PM’s decision not to jump Covid vaccination queue. Click here to read more. 

April 2020

PRINZ CEO, Elaine Koller speaks to Reweti Kohere, National Business Review about the PRINZ Code of Ethics. Click here to read more. 

July 2020

PRINZ CEO, Elaine Koller and PRINZ Board Member Claudia Macdonald discuss the state of the public relations industry with NZ Marketing magazine. Click here to read more. 

April 2020

PRINZ CEO, Elaine Koller talks to StopPress about how the WFH period will permanently alter the way we work. Click here to read more. 

December 2019

PRINZ CEO, Elaine Koller speaks to StopPress about her reflections on 2019. Click here to read more. 

November 2019

PRINZ CEO, Elaine Koller speaks to Stuff about Waikato Mongrel Mob’s PR recruit. Click here to read more. 

July 2019

PRINZ CEO, Elaine Koller speaks to Phil Pennington, Mediawatch, RNZ about PR in the public sector. Click here for audio link and to read more. 

March 2019

PRINZ CEO, Elaine Koller interviewed in NZ Marketing magazine feature about the local PR industry. 

February 2019

PRINZ CEO, Elaine Koller comments on the rise of PR in the public sector in article on Click here to read more.

December, 2018

PRINZ CEO, Elaine Koller talks to Telum Media about the PR trends in 2018. Click here to read more. 

September 2018

PRINZ CEO, Elaine Koller talks to Telum Media about her role at PRINZ and the PR industry in New Zealand. Click here to read more. 

June 2018

State Services Minister Chris Hipkins announced that the cap on public servants would be ditched in response to PRINZ Immediate Past President Katie Mathison’s letter sent 26 March. View the letter here

March 2018

PRINZ President Katie Mathison responds to the article “Health Ministry paid PR expert to deal with media when Nigel Murray quit” on NZ Herald: https://www.linkedin .com/pulse/pr-agency-dragged-…

Public relations is the only profession that has its numbers reported on in the New Zealand public sector. PRINZ President Katie Mathison will be writing on PRINZ’s behalf to the State Services Commissioner Peter Hughes to be fair and stop picking on PR and communications staff – or at least to include other professions in reporting FTEs. Click here to read more. 

November 2017

PRINZ Waikato Regional Chair Heather Claycomb writes about protecting reputations in post-Weinstein era:

PRINZ President Katie Mathison comments on the risk Sky Television takes in giving Tony Veeitch a platform:

PRINZ Code of Ethics is highlighted in the weekly media commentary on RNZ’s Nine to Noon programme with Dr Gavin Ellis in relation to The Spinoff story about influencer disclosure of payment:

PRINZ President Katie Mathison defends the value of PR with Mike Hosking on NewstalkZB:

October 2017

In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, PRINZ president Katie Mathison speaks to Radio NZ about the reputational risk to the Weinstein company:

September 2017

In Hawke’s Bay Today article, Forest and Bird chief executive, Kevin Hague calls out PR consultancy for alleged unethical conduct. He points out that the firm is not a member of the Institute and is therefore not bound by the PRINZ Code of Ethics.

July 2017

PRINZ CEO Elaine Koller responds to Consumer NZ chief executive Sue Chetwin about fake review posted by a PR consultant on the Consumer website and highlights the PRINZ Code of Ethics. Key principles in the Code include honesty, professionalism, and balancing openess and privacy.

June 2017

PRINZ CEO Elaine Koller meets with Susie Ferguson, Presenter of RNZ’s Morning Report to discuss the responsibilities of PR professionals.

April 2017

PRINZ President Katie Mathison advocates for PR in an opinion piece published on

March 2017

PRINZ CEO Elaine Koller comments on communications job market:

PRINZ CEO Elaine Koller advocates interns are paid minimum wage:

February 2017

PRINZ President Katie Mathison responds to Waikato Times article:

Keep the debate clean

I am saddened to see such a public spat between the Waikato Times and Hamilton Council about the facts surrounding the removal of a crashed car from someone’s property. I don’t mind there being a debate about the facts, but I do mind intensely the tone it has sunk to. It is completely unnecessary to compare the situation to Trump, fake news, and alternative facts, and to snipe that: ‘some days council has more staff doing [public relations] than the Waikato Times has reporters’. Communications teams in general have far more on their plates than media, and the number of staff is certainly not a competition or a measure of competence. I’m sure I don’t need to add that PRINZ members are committed to communicating with honesty and accuracy.

Katie Mathison,
President, Public Relations Institute of New Zealand (PRINZ)

October 2016

PRINZ President Katie Mathison responds to Waikato Times article:

Good communication is not spin.

I would like to respond to your story on the budget increase for Hamilton City Council’s public relations and communications services.

Ratepayers today have an expectation that they will have access to information on demand through their choice of channel. This expectation is one factor that inevitably increases the cost of public relations services. Few would argue that the services provided aren’t worthwhile: transparent two way communications, online and social media capabilities, proper media training, and access to community news, inform the people of Hamilton on what the Council is delivering to its constituents and provide an opportunity for feedback.

Katie Mathison,
President, Public Relations Institute of New Zealand

August 2016

PRINZ CEO Elaine Koller responds to Otago Daily Times article:

PR Gobbledegook

“In response to your editorial “Vulnerable to bad PR” (ODT, 20.8.16), the Public Relations Institute of New Zealand absolutely agrees that every good PR professional should replace the gobbledegook with plain words.” – Elaine Koller, CEO, Public Relations Institute of New Zealand

PRINZ highlights social media code of conduct:

April 2016

PRINZ CEO Elaine Koller meets with Colin Peacock, Presenter RNZ’s Mediawatch to discuss the value of public relations.

February 2016

PRINZ President Bruce Fraser responds to article:
Sent response:
Published online:

PRINZ CEO Simone Bell advocates for transparency in article on the use of paid blogs for PR and marketing:

December 2014

Media Release: PRINZ says, ethical public relations is here to stay:

November 2014

Radio Interview: PRINZ on Morning Report – 24 November 2014, PRINZ President Bruce Fraser talks about press conferences in the wake of Roger Sutton leaving CERA:

August 2014

Article: PRINZ responds to North and South editorial “Spinning Out” which raised some important issues about the number and nature of PR practitioners:

February 2014

Pauline Rose, PRINZ President Letter to the Editor, NZ Listener:

October 2013

RFI for All of Government Procurement issued by MBIE

PRINZ members met with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and ensured members were informed of the Request for Information. A resulting Summary of Responses was issued by MBIE in October 2013.

View Consultancy Services Category AoG Contract.

October 2012

Lobbying Disclosure Bill

PRINZ made a detailed submission to the Bill which can be read here. Updates on the Bill are available via New Zealand Parliament here.