The use of generative AI and disclosure – Chair of PRINZ Heather Claycomb

Thanks to Phil Pennington of Radio New Zealand for giving Chair of PRINZ, Heather Claycomb, the opportunity to provide input into his story today on the use of generative AI and disclosure. Click here to listen.

As with any new technological innovation, PRINZ recognises AI offers our industry huge opportunities as well as huge risks – particularly, ethical and security risks.

PRINZ would strongly advocate for our members and the industry as a whole to ensure any use of generative AI is fully and proactively disclosed. Using generative AI without full and proactive disclosure could be considered as deceptive practice, in direct conflict with our Code of Ethics.

At a governance level, our Board has recently added AI to our risk register, acknowledging it is a topic we need to actively support our almost 1000 members to understand more about. We have been offering our members opportunities for professional development on the topic, using world leading experts on AI to provide webinar and in-person sessions to help members stay ahead of the quickly evolving technological curve.

PRINZ is aware that several of our members are already adopting organisational policy on the use of AI. We understand these range from advising no use of AI in a work environment through to those who are encouraging early adoption.  We are currently working to produce a set of guidelines for PRINZ members regarding the use of AI, which will align to our industry Code of Ethics.

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