Message from PRINZ Chair, Denise Mackay

Kia ora e hoa mā
I feel very lucky to have been appointed as the new Chair for PRINZ, and just a little bit nervous! It’s a big responsibility, and I am committed to ensuring our new board continues to provide the right amount strategic direction and oversight that our members deserve.
Last week, the new board come together for a strategic planning day. PRINZ has an existing strategic plan, so it was an opportunity to review where we are at.

As a new board, we felt it was important to look at our current operating environment, as well as the insights we’ve just got from our recent member survey and ask, “are we still heading in the right direction?”
We know times are tough, many of our members, particularly those in the public sector, are between jobs, people are keen to continue to enhance their professional development in ways that are both manageable from a time and cost perspective, members enjoy the opportunity to connect with other members, and our regions want more please! And we also know members want a strong push for advocacy – we do not want to be called ‘spin-doctors’ or hear our profession being devalued and misrepresented.
To quote the Institute of Director’s Four pillars of governance best practice book, a board adds value by leading the development of the entity’s purpose, goals and strategy. So, it made sense we started with the PRINZ purpose, vision and values.
We’ve proposed a few changes to those three cornerstones of our strategy. Our updated versions are below, for your review:
Vision: PRINZ is the voice and industry body for public relations professionals in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Purpose: To deliver value to our members through advocacy, connection and capability enhancement.
Values: Honesty, Respect, Integrity, Courage.
Note that we are doing further work on our values, so we can outline what each of them looks like as behaviours too.
The board, with Susie’s support, will update our strategy, and the corresponding action plan, before presenting it to you, our members, later in the year. If you have any feedback on the vision, purpose, or values, please do get in touch.