Introducing Rebecca Kinraid, the 2023 Joseph Peart Award Winner

The 2023 Joseph Peart award was awarded to Rebecca Kinraid – an exceptional PR and communications professional with a wealth of knowledge from over ten years in the industry. We recently spoke with Rebecca about her work and commitment to the profession.
“Winning the Joseph Peart Award was a real honour, and it was thrilling to be recognised for my hard work.
I have been working in public relations and digital communications for over ten years now, and have experience in roles across London and Aotearoa. I am a proud mother of two, and am in partnership with Jackie Curtis at Cherry Red Consulting.
I specialise in communications for design and membership organisations, and I manage the PR for many of the design awards including the NKBA Kitchen and Bathroom Awards, Registered Master Landscaper Awards and the ADNZ Resene Architectural Design Awards. Alongside this, I am the editor of a design publication for NKBA and manage social media, media relations and mar-comms for several other clients.
I started out at Canterbury University in 2006 where I earned my degree in Mass Communications and that was the last time I did any official study, outside of completing professional development with PRINZ and IAP2. So, it had been a while since studying, and I think that was the biggest challenge – shifting my mindset back to the discipline required to study. However, after the first assignment, I felt more confident and ready to take on what the year had in store.
Completing APR gave me the opportunity to learn from industry leaders, network with likeminded peers, and to dig deeper into the meaning and importance of public relations.
Thank you to the amazing tutors and PRINZ for the opportunity.”