Te Wiki o te Reo Māori / Māori Language Week

This week Aotearoa New Zealand will be celebrating te reo Māori from its biggest cities to its smallest towns and we encourage all our members to participate.
If you’re looking for a Te Wiki o te Reo Māori / Māori Language Week event in your region, you can find them here.
If you’d like to print or use some te reo Māori resources, you can find those here. We recommend the ‘Give te reo a go!’ resource for those wanting to learn a few words and phrases.
Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori / the Māori Language Moment is also happening on Thursday, 14 September at 12pm as part of Māori Language Week. We encourage everyone to take part in the moment by signing up on www.reomaori.co.nz and pledging to do an activity in te reo Māori! If your workplace is already planning something for this day, great! Group sign-ups are encouraged.
If you’d like to participate in Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori with your whānau, friends or community, here are some ideas:
Host a ‘Kai and Kōrero’ (food and chat) lunch where each person brings a different dish, you speak te reo over lunch or learn the te reo names of the food each person has prepare
Tune into Whakaata Māori
Read a te reo Māori book to your tamariki (children)
Watch a Disney reo Māori movie with your whānau on Disney+, including Lion King and Frozen
Listen to a reo Māori song – there’s a great playlist on Spotify called ‘Waiata Māori’
You can find more ideas to celebrate here.
No matter how big or small the moment is, every bit celebrates te reo Māori. Kia kaha te reo Māori