Jobs Board
The Jobs Board features public relations and communications management opportunities in a variety of industry sectors and at all career levels.
There is no charge to list a role and the capacity to list permanent, fixed-term and contract roles as well as short term project work. PRINZ members who are consultants or contractors seeking work can also place a notice stating their availability and services at no charge. We encourage consultants who are PRINZ Members to ensure that they are listed on the PRINZ PR Agency and Consultant Directory.
All members of PRINZ are bound by the Code of Ethics, making the commitment on joining and annually when they renew their membership. The PRINZ Member Register is a publicly searchable list of all current members of the Public Relations Institute of New Zealand.
If you have any further queries, would like to list a position or availability, please contact us on +64 9 358 9804 or email us.
[Job opportunities]
[Available for work]