New Zealand Chinese Language Week
新西兰中文周迎来十周年庆典啦!这一新西兰本土项目由民间慈善机构发起,旨在激发新西兰民众学习中文的热情。十年来,中文周始终秉持寓教于乐的理念,通过丰富多彩的活动,向公众传递学习中文的重要性。中文周期间,我们有精彩纷呈的”新西兰饺子节”和充满挑战的”五天五句话”等活动,欢迎大家一起来参与中文周,在欢乐的气氛中体验语言和文化的魅力吧。 “New Zealand Chinese Language Week is a Kiwi-driven initiative by a private charitable trust to encourage New Zealanders to
Introducing the PRINZ Southern Division Committee
We are so grateful for the time and dedication of our regional sub-committees as they contribute to enhancing the local
Message from PRINZ Chair, Denise Mackay
Kia ora e hoa mā I feel very lucky to have been appointed as the new Chair for PRINZ, and
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori – Māori Language Week
Kei ngā nui, kei ngā rahi Tēnā tātou katoa! Nau mai e te wiki o tō tātou kuru pounamu, arā,
PRINZ announces new board appointments
Auckland, New Zealand – August 28, 2024 – The Public Relations Institute of New Zealand (PRINZ) is pleased to confirm
PRINZ’s Response to “Spin Doctor” Narratives
David Seymour’s new Ministry of red tape hiring a $168k-a-year spin doctor In response to this news article above, on