2-3 November 2021 @ 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
CPD credits: 20
Thank you for your interest. Registrations for this session are now closed.
If you would like to register your interest for an upcoming Iwi Engagement course or similar please reach out to Lauren directly at lauren@prinz.org.nz
PLEASE NOTE: This course will proceed in accordance with Covid-19 Alert Level 2 guidelines. Course numbers will be capped at 20 participants from regions operating at Level 2, social distancing requirements will be adhered to and mask use is mandatory.
Kanohi ki te kanohi.
Relationships are at the heart of engaging with Māori. For those who have never operated within te ao Māori – the ‘Māori world’ or ‘Māori way of doing things’ – it can be daunting. Consulting with the right people, in the right way, is never more important than when working with Māori and iwi groups.
There are innumerable rights and wrongs, some of them subtle, all of them important: Do I hongi? Who do I talk to? What do Māori organisations look for when doing business? How do Māori groups approach communications?
Scott Campbell, Chief Executive of Campbell Squared, has extensive experience working both with and for iwi organisations and Māori businesses, and will be leading our Iwi Engagement Course.
Scott has whakapapa to Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Rangiwewehi, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāi te Rangi, Ngāti Pūkenga, from the Bay of Plenty region. His consultancy provides ongoing and project-based support to a range of iwi and hapū entities, both pre- and post-Treaty settlement, and advises corporate and government agencies on their engagement with tangata whenua.
Scott will show you that there is much more to working with Māori than just knowing the protocols. He will help you to grow your understanding of what is required to build and maintain strong relationships with iwi, hapū and whānau.
This course will help PR practitioners to develop an understanding of the opportunities that can come from working with tangata whenua, and how to build trust and engage proactively to encourage mutually beneficial and long-lasting connections. Practical workshops will be included to develop your skills and learning.
What we will cover:
- A glimpse into te ao Māori – what drives Māori? Values vs value, what you need to know.
- Understanding the Treaty settlement process, and how this impacts on other stakeholders.
- Application of the Treaty in business as usual.
- Preparing for iwi engagement – what you need to think about.
- Iwi engagement best practice – using practical scenarios.
- Basic tikanga (customs and protocols).
This course is for people who:
- Need to seek advice, feedback, or involvement with Māori or iwi groups.
- Want to establish, enhance, or maintain their relationships with Māori and iwi groups.
- Require tools to build confidence in working with Māori and iwi.
Scott Campbell
Scott is Campbell Squared’s CE. He has a broadcasting background and is sought-after for his strategic advice on managing challenging political, media, iwi and investor issues.

This course content aligns with the communication capabilities section of the Global Capability Framework with particular emphasis on this summary:
Communication Capabilities
- To align communication strategies with organisational purpose and values
- To identify and address communication problems proactively
- To conduct formative and evaluative research to underpin communication strategies and tactics
- To communicate effectively across a full range of platforms and technologies.
This course has a minimum number requirement, so please book early to ensure the course is not cancelled. If you are booking travel or accommodation, please check with the office first that the course is taking place.
The ticket prices are GST inclusive. Please be aware of PRINZ payment and cancellation policy.