1 February 2022 @ 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm NZST
We’ve all heard claims of fake news and reports of declining media trust. Interestingly, public trust in mainstream news media during the Covid-19 pandemic period has been declining in some countries (eg the USA) and yet increasing in others (eg in the Nordics). What are the implications of these varying levels of media trust for communication professionals in governments, corporations, NGOs, and so on across the globe? For example, does low media trust shape the choices we make about which channels will be most effective for pandemic-related messages? And what has media trust to do with ethics in public relations?
Drs. Chiara Valentini and Mark Badham will present current research on media trust and ethics, especially in relation to the current pandemic and with a Nordic perspective. They will also lead a discussion on implications for communication professionals globally.
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Chiara Valentini, Professor of Corporate Communication at Jyväskylä University School of Business & Economics (Finland), is the author of numerous peer-reviewed publications and books in strategic public relations, government communication, and crisis communication in the digital environment. Dr. Valentini serves as reviewer and editorial board member of several international journals and is active with several professional organizations. She leads an international team of researchers investigating issues pertaining to Covid-19-related communications by social actors, such as governments, news media, health authorities, experts, business organizations, and their impact on the general public’s attitudes and behaviours. See https://covid19commresearch.com.

Mark Badham is Senior Lecturer in Corporate Communication, Jyväskylä University School of Business & Economics, Finland. His research is focused on news media roles in mass communication processes, digital crisis communication, social media engagement, relationship management, and organizational legitimacy. He has worked in professional corporate communication roles for corporations, politicians, political parties, governments and NGOs in Australia.