9th November 2022 @ 10.00am - 1.00pm
The world of digital has completely changed the PR/Communications game in recent years. Audiences are more reliant on digital than ever before and are now using multiple devices and channels to get information about brands and who to trust. Brands also expect to be seen and found in all the right places online, over and above just traditional media.
What most Comms/PR practitioners don’t realise is you hold the keys to some of the most powerful levers in the online world – you just need to understand how to leverage them more in your every day to show the true value of your work.
Digital PR does this for you and can have a huge impact on how you build and maintain a brand’s online reputation, visibility and trust. What’s more, Digital PR provides practitioners with the ability to create real, measurable results beyond traditional media column inches, sentiment and social media vanity metrics and show real PR outcomes.
This Digital PR course provides you with an overview of all the practical Digital PR theory, tools, and processes you need to succeed and show your worth in today’s fast-paced digital world.
This course covers:
- What Digital PR is and how to build an effective Digital PR strategy
- How to leverage an integrated mix of channels (beyond just media and organic social) to build an omnipresence that builds a brand’s entire digital footprint or online authority
- The digital tools, data and measurement metrics you need to use to take the ‘guess work’ out of your work and up your PR game
- How to create Digital PR strategy to ensure your brand/client shows up online when audiences are looking for them
- Media techniques that are your ‘secret weapon’ when it comes to growing digital online authority
- New digital measurement metrics that clearly demonstrate the true value and impact of your work.
This course is for PR and Communications professionals (both in-house and agency) who are serious about stepping up their PR game.
Zoom links will go out closer to the date to allow for those last minute sign ups! Pease do check your spam box.
Presenter details..
The course is run by Auckland-based Digital PR expert, Charlene White, who coaches PR agencies, in-house Comms teams and individuals, all over the world, on how to plan and execute Digital PR strategies and grow beyond traditional PR.
With an extensive background in journalism and Corporate Communications, Charlene has cracked the code when it comes to leveraging an integrated Digital PR strategy with new digital tools, data insights and processes to successfully reach key audiences in today’s complex digital world.
Having worked in high profile comms roles in New Zealand, the UK and Middle East, Charlene has distilled more than 20 years of comms experience into an easy-to-follow digital communications process that captures audiences in both digital ‘browse’ and ‘search’ mode.
She is a highly sought after Digital PR coach and consultant in Australasia, an accredited trainer for the Global Public Relations Institute (GIPR), the Public Relations Institute of New Zealand (PRINZ) and the Public Relations Institute of Australia (PRIA). She is also a mentor for Auckland University of Technology’s (AUT’s) Communications’ faculty.