20 May 2022
6.00pm - 11.00pm
Wintergarden, The Civic
Registrations for the PRINZ Awards Gala have now closed. Please email the office with any queries about your registration for this event. office@prinz.org.nz
Come join the PRINZ Awards finalists, APR graduands, the PRINZ Board and members of the PRINZ College of Fellows in a night of celebration at the enchanting Wintergarden.
PRINZ will announce Gold, Silver and Bronze winners and induct the new Fellows.
The evening promises to be a celebratory affair and an occasion to catch up with friends, colleagues and peers after almost a year of virtual meetings.
MC: Te Radar
With a string of awards, including the country’s highest accolades for television and comedy, Te Radar is one of New Zealand’s most recognised entertainers and presenters. He has an extensive career in documentary making, writing, stage and screen directing, as well as being a celebrated comedian and satirist. Some of the remarkable adventures Te Radar has embarked on include diving with sharks, plunging into the frozen Ross Sea, interviewing Yassar Arafat under the watchful eye of gun-toting Palestinian soldiers, and being stung by a scorpion (in a rather awkward place ). His passion for and knowledge of the untold stories of New Zealand history inspired his critically-acclaimed 2017 TVNZ series Te Radar ‘s chequered Past.

COVID-19 Update
Under the ORANGE light level of the Covid Protection Framework, attendees at in-person courses and events no longer require a vaccine pass or need to scan in.
Whilst not mandatory, the use of face masks is encouraged when outside of the defined event space and when moving to other areas of the venue such as shared bathrooms.
If you are unwell or have any Covid-19 symptoms, please do not attend the course or event.
Please follow any venue specific guidelines set out as you enter the venue.